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100 Kilo Website

With 40 metres of wooden beams, 18 square metres of plywood, 1 roll of wallpaper, lots of spay paint, one bird house, 89 nails, 64 screws and a day to spare, staff at the Stavanger-based advertising company Melvær&Lien physically built a website.

I was there to record their progress and shot this video. 

Glacial meltdown Video – Yahoo! News UK


Glacial melting is one of our best indicator of global warming and climate change. Norwegian glaciologists closely monitor the thinning and shrinking of the vast ice caps.

On mission with the scientists I shot and produced this report for Reuters.


Vodpod videos no longer available.


Rickshaws in London

Vodpod videos no longer available.

“Rickshaws loved and loathed in UK” is a report I made for Reuters.